My name is Józef Pryszmant.
The idea to invent the device was born in 1984. The main reason was a desire to eliminate the noise generated when pounding meat with a regular meat mallet.
At first it was supposed to consist of two flat elements pressed together with a lever, but it would require using a lot of force. For that reason, this idea was soon abandoned. Sometimes, however, I would return to it in my mind and look for other technical solutions.
It wasn’t until years later, which was in 1997, when I looked at a curb clamp and it dawned on me how to create the device. In less than an hour, I already had a complete design in my head, of course it was full of flaws and imperfections that would require revisions to be applied later, but what mattered was the schematic, which remained unchanged.
At that time, in my basement, by candlelight (the electrical wiring was damaged) I made a styrofoam model. Sadly, it wouldn’t open to the sides. The next model was carved out in wood. This one actually worked, but not well enough. I had to come up with something else.

I found the solution while gazing at the stars, the Big Dipper to be exact. These 4 shining stars were the places to put the bolts. In my free time, often well into the night, I would work on a prototype made of metal.
I finished it by the winter, in February 1999. It was already around 11 PM. The prototype worked and to my surprise even better than I expected. It could even crush tiny pebbles (that’s all I had available for testing at the time).
Half a year later, in September, acting through a patent attorney, I submitted my invention to the patent office to be patented as “Meat tenderizing device”. I obtained a patent six years later, in 2005.
My later attempts to find a manufacturer who would agree to manufacture my invention, however, amounted to nothing. Generally speaking, no one was interested.
Time flew fast, years went by, until I came to a conclusion that looking for a manufacturer was a waste of time. I myself didn’t have the financial and technical resources to start manufacturing, and my main problem at the time was the type of metal to manufacture the device from.
One of the manufacturers that I was in contact with at the time told me over the phone that there are aluminum alloys that are allowed to come in contact with food. I was back to sketching, drawing, making molds for casting. It took me a year and a half in total.
In 2017, together with my son, we legally registered a business under the name “K-MONT”.
In total, it took me 33 years from the idea to the product.
I hope that my invention will serve you well.